Meld je aan als coöperant voor een winparken

Wind projects are part of the energy transition and it is essential that they also benefit citizens and municipalities.
To stimulate this involvement, the decree of April 29, 2024 requires developers to open their projects to the participation of residents and local authorities. With this call for expressions of interest, everyone can actively participate in renewable energy production while promoting the local sharing of benefits.

Participation in Storm

Local residents of the Storm wind farms have the opportunity to co-invest in our cooperative company Storm SC through citizen participation. In this way, our employees also reap the benefits of our renewable energy projects.

Our cooperative has more than 4,100 members for 20 wind farms in Belgium. The price per share is 125 euro with a maximum of 24 shares per family member. The expected annual dividend is 4 to 6%.

Do you have any questions about our cooperative?

Possibility to register to express your interest in participating

Wilt u de energietransitie ondersteunen en meedoen aan het windmolenpark bij u in de buurt? Laat het ons nu weten door u in te schrijven via onze website (link naar de projectpagina) of per mail naar Storm, Borsbeeksebrug 22, 2600 Antwerpen.

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